Coping with the waiting…


I had a colleague pop into my office yesterday to ask how I was coping with the big wait till Monday – the day when we go into the doc for the blood pregnancy-test.  I surprised her by telling her I was doing great – whaaaat?! 

Even I am surprised.  I was a “pee-on-a-stick” kinda gal.  Yip, the type that bought pregnancy-test sticks in bulk.   Almost every other month I was doing a test, hoping and praying…only to be so disappointed.  When chatting to my dear colleague about it, it suddenly dawned on me why I was so cool and calm…I have hope!  Previously, I didn’t know whether or not an embryo had made it up my fallopian tubes into my uterus, I didn’t know if we’d even made an embryo.  So I would test – anxious for some sign of hope. 

But today, I have that hope.  I know for a FACT that there are two little embryos inside my uterus – we saw the doc place them there.  We know this to be true.  What a glorious victory that is in itself.  I am relishing the feeling of knowing that, in essence, I AM PREGNANT.  Whether or not the babas make it is not up to me but God, and Monday we will know.

So for now, I dance in the knowledge that my babas are there and all is well.  I am not in any pain or discomfort so all that remains is to smile and wait.

2 responses »

  1. Hi my Boo, I do so enjoy reading your blog and it keeps us really up to date – thank you for sharing your theoughts and feelings with us!
    The Lord is with you never doubt it.
    Lots of love, Mum.

    • Thanks Mum. It is such a great way for us to journal everything, I have sooo much I need to post that happened over the 4 days off *sigh* – I’ll get there. God is with us, I am in no doubt. Love you.

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